Big Picture Financial Planning

Big Picture Financial Planning

Financial Analysis

We provide a comprehensive financial analysis that serves as the foundation for creating personalized plans tailored to your unique needs and desired outcomes. By carefully assessing your financial situation and understanding your desired outcomes, we design strategies to help you to navigate financial complexities with confidence.

Withdrawal Plan

Through meticulous financial projections, we create a roadmap that aligns with your retirement dreams, ensuring you have the income you need to enjoy your retirement on your terms. Our strategic withdrawal plan takes into account various factors, such as market conditions and tax implications, to provide you with the peace of mind that your money will last your lifetime.


We review your insurance coverage to safeguard your most valuable assets: your life, health, and property. Our thorough review identifies potential risks and vulnerabilities, and our expert guidance ensures you have the right amount and right type of insurance in place to weather life's uncertainties with confidence and peace of mind.

Organized Support

We understand that taking the necessary steps towards securing your financial future can be overwhelming, which is why we are here to provide organized assistance throughout the process. From setting up investment accounts to executing estate planning strategies, we guide you step-by-step, making it easy for you to take action and achieve the financial outcomes you desire.

Ongoing monitoring

We continuously monitor your financial plan, investment portfolio, and overall progress to ensure you are moving forward. Our regular reviews provide you with valuable insights into your financial progress and any adjustments needed to keep your plan on track. You can trust that we will always provide timely and transparent communication on your financial journey.

senior couple reading and making notes

Related Resources

When Should You Start Collecting CPP and OAS?

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Consider the Enduring Value of RRSPs and TFSAs in Retirement

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Retirement's Balancing Act: Withdrawal Strategies for a Lifetime of Income

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Request a Phone Call

Ready to get started? Now is the best time to get started on the rest of your financial journey. Our initial call is about understanding your needs and explaining how we can support your financial journey. There's no obligation – just a friendly conversation to explore the possibilities. Schedule a call with an expert financial planner today.